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Sherwood Fighting Guide

Welcome to my fighting guide. Since you're reading this, i'm sure that you're wondering "How do players get so good" compared to you on SherwoodDungeon. Firstly, we can blame the poor introduction into the game. Sure, Gene attempts to teach you some basics, but nothing that he teaches you is relevant to being good on this game, and when i say good, i mean skilled.

The first thing i'd like to say before teaching you a little bit about blocking is don't overthink things, this is a classic mistake that people make when trying to get better at this game; it's as simple as logging into the game is.


There are a few types of blocking styles you can use on sherwood to improve your overall defense. The first blocking style is the most simple, but one of the most effective if used in the right situations

The picture you see to the left shows you a full block; this is when you hold down block without letting go at any point, ensuring that you cover yourself as much as possible.

Negatives aspects to long blocks

Although long blocks are good, timing is usually perfected by hitting someone holding block down, so you do not want to hold it for very long, but instead switch to different blocking styles thoughout the fight, but we'll come onto that.

Half blocks

Half blocks are another simple thing you can do to improve your chances of blocking a hit; to perform a half block you have to attempt to attack and then quickly pull it back into a block, however don't let your attack swing anywhere near them; you want to pull it back before it even leaves your avatar. You can also continuously perform half blocks over and over without stopping.

Quick block

A quick block is another simple, yet effective blocking style you can use to improve your chances of not being hit as much as you previously were. To perform a quick block you have to block like you normally would in a long block and let it go as you reach the top of your block, tapping both ctrl and shift together to continue the quick block.


Do not continously quick block when your HP is low, thinking that it will somehow magically save you; skilled players know how to time you easily and will defeat you even faster most of the time if you do this.

Tally block

A tally block is something you can utilize anytime you wish; to perform a tally block all you must do is make sure you save your tally during the fight and then as you go to block, tally straight after, pulling it back into a block once more.


This works 70-80% of the time due to fooling your opponent into thinking you're going to block; allowing them to hit you after your block falls down, but your tally block will give you a second chance to block them, making them miss.


Only use this if your opponent tries to use a power move on you.


Orbing as you can see in the picture above, is when you see a yellow flash as you hit your opponents avatar; however it's not quite as simple as just seeing the yellow mark every time you hit them. There is timing required.

The picture above shows you where to time your orbs against your opponents; as you can see, my pickaxe is about to hit just over his block. The best way to achieve this timing is to wait until their arms are down, or their eyes (like in the picture) are just about to look direcetly at you. You will want to swing just before either of these events happen to hit an orb AND do damage (orbs do not always do damage)


You may also be thinking "what's the point in orbing" and it is indeed a good question to ask and i shall answer it. Orbing not only is important, it's essential to being a good fighter; orbing if done successfully stops your opponent doing any critical damage on you whatsoever, so make sure to orb!

How not to orb

The picture above is a prime example of how not to hit an orb successfully; the pickaxe in this picture could either be blocked, resulting in him gaining a critical charge from me or i could hit through his block (which would mean me doing damage to him without seeing an orb, essentially doing a critical hit; which also gives him critical charge)


Other notable techniques

Other notable techniques you can use to improve your fighting include:




Counters are very simple to do and are basically used to give you an edge over your opponent quickly; to perform a counter all you must do is use a power move exactly after your opponent has used one. Beware though, if your opponent is good at orbing; counters will be virtually ineffective, unless you get your opponent to miss orbs on you with skilled blocking.


Standing still


"Why would i stand still" you may ask yourself now, but do not let your need for surviving in a fight fool you; standing still at the right times not only lets you heal faster than when blocking, but it allows you to fool your opponent once more into not knowing if it's safe to attack or not; the last thing they want to do is miss an orb, but don't stand still and let your opponent hit you; if they try to hit you get that block up once more.


Another tip with this technique is this; most players will always wait for you to block before they hit, this is because that's the best way to ensure you hit your orbs. If you do stand still, try to wait for them to swing first, before you block; blocking as they swing is the best way to always block them, but be wary of power moves. Many people will pretend to use a normal hit and then a power move right after; so keep that tally handy, in the event that you need to block with it.


When to use your Talisman


Try to avoid using your Talisman when your opponent is standing still; your talisman is most effective when used against a blocking opponent.




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